Common Prayer

Every Wednesday at 6:30 am  |  Church

5/87 Webster Road, Stafford QLD, Australia

Ashley Null, speaking of Thomas Cranmer, the author of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, said:

“Thomas Cranmer, the father of English-language liturgies, believed that prayer changes lives and nations. For when individuals and communities open themselves up to God’s healing love, they at last find rest for their souls. Cranmer was convinced that this gift of inner peace is so rare, so profound, so life-changingly satisfying, that even the ever-prone-to-wander human heart will, out of sheer gratitude, fall back in love with God. So prayer renews our desire to serve God and others and all because of a fresh realisation that God has loved us first.”

We gather each Wednesday morning for Common Prayer. With Cranmer, we, too, believe that prayer changes lives and nations. And so, Common Prayer is a vital part of our life together as the people of God. We pray with the timeless prayers passed down through church history and lift up the current concerns of our church, city, and world.

🙏Common Prayer


📍5/87 Webster Rd, Stafford.

“Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known and from whom no secrets are hidden, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Thomas Cranmer)