Leave Your Shoes At The Door

Dave Miers   -  

Religion is meant to draw us nearer to God, but Ecclesiastes 5 reveals the emptiness of religious practices that focus on our efforts rather than God’s holiness. The Preacher warns us to “guard our steps” when approaching God, highlighting the importance of entering His presence with a heart ready to listen and obey rather than merely going through the motions.

The Futility of Human-Centred Religion

Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 warns against the folly of human-centred religion, where we rely on our own deeds and words to earn favour from God. This approach, the “sacrifice of fools,” is ultimately futile. It’s a common thread across many religions, emphasising what we must do to reach the divine. But Ecclesiastes exposes this as vanity—temporary and ultimately unfulfilling. True religion is not about what we can offer but about recognising our limitations and our need for God’s grace.

The Wisdom of God-Centred Worship

In contrast, God-centred worship begins with humility. Ecclesiastes 5:1 advises us to “draw near to listen” rather than offering empty sacrifices. This wisdom is echoed throughout the Bible. Whether it’s Moses removing his sandals before the burning bush or the tax collector in Jesus’ parable who prays for mercy, true worship recognises God’s holiness and our place before Him. It’s not about our religious performance but acknowledging our need for God’s mercy and grace.

Where Is Your Confidence?

This leads to a crucial question: Where is our confidence? Is it in our religious deeds, our church attendance, or our acts of service? Or is it in Christ and His finished work on the cross? The gospel presents a radically different perspective—”I’m accepted; therefore, I obey.” This shift from self-reliance to God-reliance is at the heart of true worship. Our confidence should rest not in what we do but in what Christ has already done for us.

An Invitation to True Worship

For those weary of trying to earn God’s favour, there’s an invitation to find rest in Christ. He has already accomplished what we could never do on our own. Through His sacrifice, we can confidently approach God—not in our own righteousness, but in His.

This message calls to move beyond empty rituals and embrace a life of genuine worship. The full sermon delves deeper into these truths, offering insights on how to live in a way that truly honours God and reflects our reliance on His grace.

Listen to Dave Miers’ sermon ‘Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 – When Religion Falls Short’ in our series THE END OF FUTILITY:

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